Positive birth stories

Happy Parents Happy Baby is committed to helping you have a positive birth experience, however your baby is born.

Thousands of parents join our courses every year and no two birth stories are the same.

On these pages you can read positive birth stories from our course graduates who have experienced home births, inductions, Caesarean (abdominal) births, water births, forceps, breach births, twins and multiple births and births using hypnobirthing.

We really hope that reading these stories will inspire you to know that a positive birth is something that you too can experience. You will also be able to pick up some super-helpful tips, as new parents share the things that made all the difference to their experience.

If you would like to share your positive birth story with us, please get in touch - we’d really love to hear from you.

A positive second labour: Emilia’s birth story

Emilia is Sonja’s second baby. She realised after taking the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. antenatal course how under prepared she had been the first time round. Attending the Forest Hill course helped her and her partner David prepare for all eventualities and as a result they felt calm and in control throughout Sonja’s labour, which helped them to have such an incredible and positive experience.

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A positive vaginal delivery: Kaila’s birth story

Katherine and Ross had a really positive birth expierence as they welcomed baby Kaila into the world. Katherine used the Hapy Parents. Happy Baby. hypnobithing techniques and relaxations throughout her labour to help her feel calm and Ross supported her with her breathing.

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A positive labour with hypnobirthing: Raff’s birth story

Kat had a really enjoyable pregnancy and a positive water birth using hypnobirthing. HPHB helped Kat and Paul to be prepared and confident for any outcome and also postnatally - showing them positions to hold the baby during breastfeeding.

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