Positive birth stories

Happy Parents Happy Baby is committed to helping you have a positive birth experience, however your baby is born.

Thousands of parents join our courses every year and no two birth stories are the same.

On these pages you can read positive birth stories from our course graduates who have experienced home births, inductions, Caesarean (abdominal) births, water births, forceps, breach births, twins and multiple births and births using hypnobirthing.

We really hope that reading these stories will inspire you to know that a positive birth is something that you too can experience. You will also be able to pick up some super-helpful tips, as new parents share the things that made all the difference to their experience.

If you would like to share your positive birth story with us, please get in touch - we’d really love to hear from you.

A positive natural labour: Oliver’s birth story

Anna and Chris look back on their positive birth experience with fond memories. Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped them prepare for labour with hypnobirthing techniques and helped after Oliver was home, being able to draw information from the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. breastfeeding sessions.

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A positive vaginal labour: Alma’s birth story

Marion had a straightforward pregnancy and birth with a difficult time at home in the early days due to feeding. She credits HPHB with helping her partner feel more involved throughout the whole process and helping her to understand pain relief, risks and benefits.

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A positive second labour: Penelope’s birth story

After a difficult pregnancy and not being able to have the home birth they hoped for, Sarah had a really swift birth and was back home with Penelope before she knew it. Sarah and Neel felt supported by Happy Parents. Happy Baby. during their pregnancy and beyond with all the recommended tips and hacks to make their home family life easier.

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A positive vaginal labour: Leo’s birth story

Susha and Vladimir found hypnobirthing very powerful and say this fed into them having a positive birthing experience. They also found the practical side of the course around baby care really helpful and it helped them feel confident bringing Baby Leo into the world.

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A positive induction: Hattie Jean’s birth story

For Stacey and Robert, they most appreciated that the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course was run by a whole team of experts. They felt that all options were explained and they never had any routes pressed on them. They share their positive birth experience and how hypnobirthing played a key role.

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A positive labour with gas and air: Ozzie’s birth story

I was booked in for an elective C-section as I had gestational diabetes and was told the baby was going to be very big. However, Ozzie made a surprise appearance three weeks early and Happy Parents. Happy Baby. had helped me plan for the unexpected.

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A positive unplanned c section: Luna’s birth story

Renee and Stephen found going through this experience together to be a really positive thing even though they had quite a challenging time. Through the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course, they felt informed and prepared for the path their labour and birth took.

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