The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy were really tough. I suffered with severe sickness and nausea and was bed bound and on antiemetics. Once I reached 20 weeks the sickness eased and I began to enjoy being pregnant - I had no other health problems and I kept quite active. I took the HPHB course in my 8th month of pregnancy and it helped prepare me for the months ahead. The course addressed a lot of practicalities, offering sessions with a range of professionals for all areas of birth as well as the early stages of parenting. This helped eased fears and equipped me with knowledge of what to expect and how to plan, whilst remaining flexible and open to what might unfold. There is a lot of information out there but it was so useful for this to be distilled and presented in a manageable and friendly way to expecting parents. It was also so great at this point to meet other expecting parents and share our concerns and ideas about the birth and parenting.

My birth was not as zen as I'd hoped but it was still an amazing experience. I was low risk and had hoped for an active birth in water in the birthing centre. However, I had a very long early labour with very intense contractions and after 3 days I was still not dilated enough to go to hospital. I was exhausted and concerned about how I would cope with the second stage of labour. I was used to using breathing techniques as they advise in Hypnoborthing - which did help in the first day or 2 however by day 3 I was exhausted and also became worried that I wasn’t feeling my baby move as much. I went into triage at the hospital, they monitored the movements and the heartbeat and everything was fine, however whilst there we decided that we would accelerate the birth. I was given an epidural, something really hadn’t wanted, the team broke my waters and gave me a hormone drip to accelerate the contractions and help with dilation. This opportunity to rest allowed my body to relax and I responded very quickly. Fortunately, I managed to push her out without any help and she came out within the hour. It really helped in the latter stages of this to feel her crowning, it was real motivation to keep pushing. The midwives were really amazing, there were a couple of other complications on the way but they were always so on it, constantly monitoring me and my baby, and responding when help was needed. It is such team work and I felt 100% in safe hands whilst also feeling like I had control of the labour. Because we had talked about forms of pain relief and the possible options during labour in the HPHB course I felt pretty clear on our course of action despite it being different from my birth plan. This was incredibly reassuring.

I couldn't believe it when I first saw Elisa, I really couldn't believe I had pushed her out after all this time. I was exhausted but so elated that she was here, safe and healthy. As much as I believe in natural birth, I really was so grateful at this point for modern medicine and care. It is very surreal to finally hold your baby after all these months of pregnancy. I kept having to look at her and hold her to believe she was real! It was incredibly special and euphoric in fact particularly as she arrived on New Year’s Day and it just felt perfect to welcome her into the world and into the New Year.

The HPHB course was really good at covering what might happen in the labour and how this might affect you post birth. Many parts of your body can be affected by the birth and the beginning of breastfeeding and this can be overwhelming yet I knew what to expect and this helped massively in my recovery. The breastfeeding advice was also super useful. It is a very personal journey but there are lots of practical tips that really helped me. The first few days I was still high from the birth and I coped in a flurry of high emotion. We were learning a lot, very quickly but having taken the HPHB course stood us in good stead in terms of our approach feeding and caring for our baby, with some knowledge behind you and also where to go for support.

It is invaluable and there is so much to learn once your baby arrives. It was also so nice to have the group to talk to and share our news and concerns. Once the first few days passed and the euphoria wears off I was still overjoyed to have Elisa despite the drop in hormones and the reality of long nights with interrupted sleep and constant breast feeding kicks in. I absolutely wanted to do all of this and didn't begrudge it at all but it takes a lot out of you and it is good to find ways to cope quite quickly. When to sleep, how to keep calm, how to ask for help and really allowing your partner to support you when they can. All of this we were prepared for. And then to just take one day (or night) at a time and be there for your baby as this time is precious and will in fact go quickly. It is then also that some advice really kicks in and you begin to understand what this unique experience encompasses. 

The HPHB antenatal course was not only well organised and informative but also really accessible and friendly. It was super digestible despite all the information and helped demystify a lot of what is involved in birth and the early days of parenthood. The course brings a brilliant range of professionals to advise you and this also gives confidence to the information imparted. I found it invaluable in preparing me for the labour and early days, equipping me with a solid base of knowledge and community to tap into for help. It also encourages you to be proactive and to own your experience which is hugely important.  

Top Tips:

  • Inform yourself - absolutely do a HPHB antenatal course.

  • Talk to people, read books but also trust your instincts, your body and your baby.

  • Remain flexible with your birthing plan and accept what unfolds.

  • Listen to what is best for you and your baby and this might mean intervention - the most important thing is that you and your baby remain healthy at all stages.

  • Be in the present, take one day at at time and don’t plan too much ahead of time.

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