Ailish’s Breastfeeding Stories.

Before having my first baby I always said I would try breastfeeding. You are told time and time again it’s benefits but no one really tells you how hard it is. First time I had a natural birth and began feeding to help deliver my placenta, everyone commented on what a good latch he had and asked how it felt (having never breastfed before I assumed it felt uncomfortable but ok) so I just went with it.

I was discharged from hospital and all the problems began. I couldn’t get him to latch he wouldn’t feed he screamed, I cried, I had fantastic help from the midwives (who also struggled) but they weren’t there all the time. Every feed was agony I dreaded it and felt like such a failure surely this was what being a mum was.

Three weeks in the pain was too much and we switched. I cried as I made his first bottle as I felt with my first real dose of mum guilt.

Second time around I was much more realistic about my expectations. Said I would try and my midwife recommended a fantastic online video about natural breastfeeding positions. Ended up with an emergency c section and immediately panicked about the impact. It was completely different she latched well and fed with ease. I combi-fed till she was about 5 months.

Then number three.... Natural birth, last baby and wanted to breastfeed again. I thought I had learned how to do it with number two... it started well but a couple of days in I soon realised it wasn’t like last time. I was back to lots of pain and waking up with a saw jaw from clenching my teeth during the night when she was latching on.

Had her checked for tongue tie several times and told she was fine and just try another position. Went to get her heel prick test and the nurse told me straight away she had tongue tie just by looking. Couldn’t afford a private consultation so went on the NHS wait list. Got it cut at 10 weeks. By that point she already established a bad latch however we were able to continue nursing until I returned to work at 5 months and she started sleeping through the night so my supply dropped.

I am now just nursing once in the morning and will continue for as long as she wants.

Long story short my advice always trust yourself.... if it hurts it’s not right... ask again and again and again! I am now 100% convinced my first was tongue tied and I should have asked for more help! I did the classes, I listened to the midwives, I got all of the information I could and all of that helped to prepare me... what I didn’t do was trust or listen to myself.

I had three completely different experiences, all nursed for different amounts of times but most importantly all of my children are happy and healthy. For no matter how long or short you choose to do it just enjoy the time to stop and cuddle your baby. Make sure it is what is best for you and that is what is best for them!

Speckle Digital

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Caroline’s Breastfeeding Story.


Caroline’s Breastfeeding Stories.