A positive twin delivery: Iona and Wren’s birth story

Tell us about your family…

We are Abigail and Ric and we live with our twins Iona and Wren who are 9 month old non-identical girls.

Describe your household in three words

Loving, fun, welcoming

What is your favourite thing about being a twin parent?

Ric - it's much more hands on and it's nice to know they've got each other.

Abi - it's the immediate family, sharing all new experiences and being our own gang each day.

What is your top tips for preparing to be a twin parent?

Listen to your body and respect what it's telling you. Enjoy the feeling of two babies moving around inside you and wonder at your growing body, For the birth, I would say go with your gut feeling and don't let other people push you into decisions you're not quite happy with. Also, it is of course possible to breastfeed twins - don't let anyone doubt you!

Tell us about your birth?

We were all set for a vaginal birth all the way until we went into hospital for an induction and had the scares put on us by a doctor. We went for a planned c-section 3 days later. I wish now I had gone with my original choice - I had such a healthy pregnancy, I really wanted a chance to do it my way. Stick together as a couple and agree in advance of any appointments what you want to happen. It's of course important to listen to the medical professionals, but you know your own body and stamina. Our twins were born at full term, full size and no NICU, but there will be some really important advice from twin parents whose babies were born early.

How were the early weeks with the twins?

Intense! Exhaustion, shock and trying to recover from serious abdominal surgery dominated how I felt the first few days. The midwives and staff at Kings all did their best but they were seriously understaffed and because of this, I didn't have enough help to latch both babies and a bottle of formula was introduced very early in hospital but my intention was to breastfeed only. A rocky few weeks followed, where we were encouraged to give bigger and bigger bottle top ups so the post-natal midwives could dismiss the babies, but then I was left with a huge bottle top up plan to try and reduce. I was determined to breastfeed, and we are still breastfeeding 9 months later. We were both very emotional, we had a real journey to becoming pregnant and I think it all affected us once the babies were born. We were totally in love, totally in awe and really needed the support of our family and friends. They were there for us fortunately, but I would definitely advise any twin parents-to-be to gather their 'village' around them before the birth and ensure they can ask for help and rely on them for so many things.

What have been your biggest challenges?

Tiredness! Self doubt and needing to discuss and agree on so many things but rarely having the patience or wherewithal to do that without arguing (at first - we're in a really good place now)

What have been your biggest triumphs?

Seeing our girls' faces light up when they see us, for Abi, breastfeeding almost exclusively with no sign of stopping. Having two beautiful children who we love to pieces.

What are your ultimate twin hacks?

For the first few months, when one wakes in the night, feed them both, but from about 4ish months, let them have their own sleep patterns. We took the side off a massive cot bed and strapped it to our bed to make a twin-sized next to me crib. Let the babies be individuals! And join twin networks to get lots of doubles of equipment!

What products could you not live without?

Slings, mountain buggy, bouncers, TrippTrapp highchairs.

What other twin resources have helped you?

Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK Facebook and Instagram (run by Kathryn Stagg), Twins Trust (though we've not really used them much yet, I think we will in the future), our local breastfeeding cafe, 'Sweet Sleep' and "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding' books by La Leche League, 'Why Love Matters' - can't remember who by!

How did HPHB help you prepare?

All the experts were very open minded - the sessions were great. We've met some great fellow local parents too.


A positive planned twin c-section: Jamie and Skye’s birth story


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