A positive natural delivery: Arlo’s birth story

I was fortunate enough to have an uncomplicated pregnancy. I immersed myself in reading lots about birth, watching positive birth videos and finding the right antenatal course. HPHB was brilliant for us - having medical professionals, midwifes and lactation consultants contribute gave us an in-depth insight to what birth and looking after a baby would be like. It was particularly good for my partner Joss, in that it prepared him for his role and he was at ease throughout the birth (as much as you can be!) and was an incredible support to me during those first weeks. My hopes for my birth were to be natural and intervention free, but the course gave us a clear understanding of the options and variables that could happen. We filled out the course birth preferences, packed our bags and I actually felt excited for the birth!

My labour was fast and intense with the contractions starting around 4am and Arlo arriving at midday. Everything the course taught us, along with a bit of pregnancy yoga and my own research, gave me confidence in what was an overwhelming and unknown experience. I was breathing, groaning and stamping my way through the contractions, but any feelings of self-consciousness went out the window! We arrived at the Birth Centre at 8am and I was already 5cm dilated. The pool was amazing and really helped with the pain. The contractions were so intense I felt too queasy to even try gas and air and somehow managed the whole birth without any pain relief. The Lewisham Birth Centre midwives were amazing. They read and respected our birth preferences and presented any suggestions as options. Despite the contractions still being strong, I wasn't making much progress in the pool so my midwife suggested I get out and try the birthing stool, which helped Arlo get into a better position. Then I moved onto the bed and two more midwives were called in. They took a leg each and with Joss behind me, all cheering me on, Arlo was born!

Seeing Arlo's head emerge from my body was so incredible, I actually screamed in excitement and disbelief - the hardest part was over. A couple more pushes and he was out. There was an intense moment before he took his first breath but as soon as he did, Joss and I burst into tears.

I did so much thinking about the birth, I wish I'd done more preparation for those first few days. However, the HPHB course (and handy booklet!) gave us the guidance we needed to get through. Feeding was challenging but the course session was a great resource, as were the links it provided to additional support. We are just coming out of the fourth trimester now and still can't believe we are parents to such a precious thing!

One of the best things about HPHB has been the support network of other first-time mums that it has given me. Our Whatsapp group and park walks have been essential! Just knowing someone else was up in the middle of the night going through the same thing has been wonderful!

Top Tips:

  • Trust in your body, it was made to do this so believe you can do it.

  • Sleep when baby sleeps - everyone says it, but I didn't listen. Really wish I had!

  • Recovery takes a lot of energy. Aim for one thing a day, if that. Even if it's just a shower, you're smashing it. 

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A positive induction: Arlo’s birth story


A positive assisted delivery: Julia’s birth story