A positive unplanned twin c-section: Kehlani and Kalia’s birth story

Tell us about your family…

We are Rayaan and Kamal.

We have identical twin girls Kehlani and Kalia who are 6months old but arrived at 32 weeks.

Describe your household in three words

Energetic, crazy, united.

What is your favourite thing about being a twin parent?

How special and unique we are, and how much attention and help you get for it.

What are your top tips for preparing for a twin birth?

Get everything ready early as twins tend to come early. Be organised and prepared. Understand the reality of a premature baby, and what that means for you. Research NICU so you are aware of what this will mean for you, your mental health and your family. A small baby is not the same as a premature baby. Make sure you have a few premature clothes as well as tiny sizes will be too big.

Tell us about your birth?

My waters broke unexpectedly at 31 weeks. I was admitted to hospital and managed to keep the girls in for a further 9 days, they were born at 32+2 weeks. I decided to go natural and did 4 hours of labour and got to 5cm dilated. Twin 2 was breech so was always going to be a risk. Sadly their heart rates dropped and it then became and emergency C section. They were born 30 seconds apart and weight 2 and 3 lbs. We spent a month in NICU.

What are your top tips for giving birth to twins?

Be organised. But also don’t compare to friends of singleton babies you already have your hands full. Don’t be hard on yourself just go with the flow. Invest in a milk maker it saves time and a double pillow for when you need to feed at the same time.

How were the early weeks with the twins

For us it was different to expected as they were in NICU. the first weeks of being at home felt like being in a dream. We were in a love bubble with them, but also had no idea what we were doing and we were sleep deprived.

What have been your biggest challenges?

Biggest challenges have been when I’m home alone and they both want to feed at the same time. As they are still so young and can’t sit up or yet, and in the early days where they couldn’t hold their own heads up. Feeding at the same time was very difficult.

What have been your biggest triumphs?

Having our babies and still smiling lol.

What products have you not been able to live without?

Sleeping bags & Tommee Tippee bottle maker.

Any other resources you would recommend for twin parents?

Twins Trust and Twins and Multiples organisation.


A positive twin delivery: Hugo and Rory’s birth story


A positive planned twin c-section: Jamie and Skye’s birth story